At this time GSD3 is short (2) bus drivers. Due to our need for drivers we have made temporary changes to bus routes, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! The changes will involve families dropping off at a few specific locations.
Bus Route Changes will remain in place, as established last year. Green and Yellow Routes will be combined together as a snow route. Parents from the West side of Mt Vernon Middle School will need to bring their Student’s to Mt Vernon Middle School to be picked up at 7:25 am. All Hwy 395 North (Mt. Vernon towards Pendleton), Harper Creek and Riverside Rd, will be picked up at the Mt. Vernon Community Center on Ingle St., by 7:20 AM.
These temporary route changes will be in effect until further notice!
Please Note: route stops and schedules are subject to change as needed to best serve our families!
If you have questions regarding route changes or driver openings please contact:
GARY VANDERSTELT, our Transportation Manager at: (541) 575-1280 Ext 3029 | (541) 704-8588 (voice/text)
Employment Opportunities Possible | Our marketing strategy to recruit new personnel is as follows:
- Running radio advertisements – for bus driver job openings
- Job postings to our website:
- Job postings to Oregon Employment Department:
- Job Announcements are posted on bulletin boards at each of our schools: Grant Union JR/SR High School; Humbolt Elementary School; Seneca Elementary
If you or someone you know is looking for a great job with benefits, please have them contact our district office or go online to look at our openings RIGHT HERE:

Grant School District 3 Policy | Student Passenger Conduct
Student Passenger Conduct on School Buses:
The following regulations will govern student conduct on school buses and will be posted in a conspicuous place in all buses:
1. Students being transported are under authority of the bus driver
2. Fighting, wrestling or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus
3. Students shall use the emergency door only in case of emergency
4. Students shall be on time for the bus both morning and evening
2024/2025 School Year Calendar | Download/Print
Regular | Snow Routes
Click below to view regular Bus Route schedules and Snow Routes/ Protocol:
PLEASE NOTE: This section is under reconstruction - thank you for your patience as we rebuild this space!
JM | 10/30/2024